Embracing Change: Navigating Life's Currents with Courage and Clarity

The past couple of weeks have been interesting… you might be able to relate to this I hope.  It seems that there is something in the atmosphere which is changing the energy in the environment, individual moods and emotional responses, and other odd coincidences.

My intention this year is to let go of attitudes, behaviors, and expectations which ignite this inner voice that tells me to control my environment in order to maintain my personal safety.  This is a characteristic that I have carried with me since my childhood…I have lived in fear and doubt.  It has become very apparent to me, by the grace of God, that this keeps me stuck in scarcity and blocks my relationships with others.  Thus, my intention to let it go.

Creating a new perspective takes practice!  Changing how we think and what we carry out in action can require humility, strength,  and dedication.  This past couple of weeks, I see how strange energy and unpredictable responses from people, places, and things can be a good example of this.  It can challenge me to see the situations that are not going “my way” through a new lens of curiosity.  I realize that I do not know how to respond when a patient at the hospital is angry and screaming at me, or when my adolescent son is experimenting with vape, or when I cannot figure out how to implement my software for a small business.  I can reflect on this and learn how to respond authentically rather than defensively.  I can choose to “seek first to understand” rather than react negatively.   I can choose to feel the feelings associated with fear, insecurity, and frustration.  I do not need to hide my tears, my disappointment, or my self-doubt - however I need to discover ways to express myself in a manner that does not add negativity to the stressful situation.  I can be honest and open with myself and others.  Journaling has been the best action step for this self reflection. 

In doing this, I can discover more about who I am.  Pain can teach us so much about what matters.  It can provide us with an opportunity to learn, feel and respond consistently from a place of love and patience, rather than a place of shame, guilt, and defense.  I can tell you that it is not easy, but it is worth it.  I cannot tell you that I am going to be true to this all the time, however I will continue to set my intention when I stumble.  I am embracing the fact that life is a journey, not a destination.  Let's live, love, and learn each day - in the good and in the struggle.  

Living Simply Well,



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