Nutritional Guidance

Living Simply Well is here to support and guide individuals in discovering health and wellness.  Nutrition is fundamental to this path.  Our body requires proper nutrients to sustain our energy and support healthy organ function.  When nutrients come from artificial sources, our organ systems are impaired.  Some of us struggle with excess, while others suffer with deficiencies. 

At Living Simply Well, our approach to nutrition will be an in-depth assessment of dietary intake ( 24 Hour Lifestyle Timeline), Styku Scan for body composition analysis and tracking, and a comprehensive discovery session to discuss these findings.  From this initial discovery session, we will partner to develop a meal plan, supplements, and a supportive relationship to encourage and foster change. 

Book a Consultation

Our Prices

Join us for a transformative experience on your journey to a happier, healthier you!

  • $150

    - 60 minute session with Angeline to review dietary log, personal goals, and establish a plan to support changes

    - Styku Body Scan

    This is valid for three months after purchase