Infrared Sauna

Discover a haven of wellness at Living Simply Well with our rejuvenating infrared sauna sessions.

Step into soothing warmth that melts stress away, promotes relaxation, and aids in detoxification. Experience relief from muscle tension, joint discomfort, and potential skin benefits.

Embrace this transformative journey towards holistic well-being and vitality. Join us today and indulge in the revitalizing benefits of our infrared sauna services.

Infrared Sauna Benefits

  • Weight Loss

  • Pain Relief

  • Clearer Skin

  • Boost Immune System

  • Reduce Stress & Fatigue

  • Blood Circulation

  • Improved Sleep

  • Detoxification

Infrared Vs. Traditional Saunas

Unlike traditional saunas, which rely on heat to warm the air and your body, infrared saunas use infrared light to directly heat your body. This unique heating method offers a number of advantages over traditional saunas that make them a better choice for many people.

  • Infrared saunas operate at temperatures between 120-140°F while traditional saunas reach temps up to 200°F making it difficult to stay in more than a few minutes.

  • Because infrared saunas use light to heat the body directly, the heat penetrates deeper into the body than traditional sauna heat. This can provide benefits such as improved circulation, muscle and joint pain relief, and decreased inflammation. The deep penetration of heat can also help to detoxify the body more effectively, as it helps to flush out toxins from deep within the cells.

  • Because infrared saunas use lower temperatures, they are generally more comfortable to use than traditional saunas. With traditional saunas, you often have to take breaks to cool down, but with infrared saunas, you can stay in for longer periods of time without feeling overheated. This makes it easier to relax and achieve the benefits of sauna therapy.

  • Infrared saunas are considered to be safer than traditional saunas because they do not heat the air, making them less likely to cause burns or other injuries. They are also less likely to cause dehydration, which can be a problem with traditional saunas.

Our Prices

Join us for a transformative experience on your journey to a happier, healthier you!

  • $12.50

  • $100

    Use within a year of purchase.

Please fill out the form below prior to your Sauna Session

or you may download the form to print and fill out HERE